Web Design & Hosting

The Benefits of Networking

As much as we've written posts on the value of Networking to your business, it's just never enough. The value associated with getting out and meeting other business owners in the community is simply priceless. Sure, it takes time, effort, and yes, even some money, but here are just a few ways you'll benefit from this marketing investment:

  • Introduce your company
  • Make new contacts
  • Gain validity
  • Find sources and resources
  • Discover fusion marketing opportunities
  • Invest in your local business community
  • Develop a positive reputation
  • Spend some time away from the office
  • Have fun
  • Make friends
  • Eat stuff (typically networking events involve food)
  • Earn new clients and customers

Tonight we had the opportunity to network with over 50 great companies in the Cherokee County area - from Canton, Holly Springs, Woodstock and Ball Ground. We had the opportunity to show just a sample of what we do, and we had a good time learning about other companies. As time passes and we network with some of the same people, we gain a mutual respect and trust - which in turn leads to new business for the companies involved. You don't even need to be an extrovert or outgoing person to network, believe me, there are plenty to go around. If you're more introverted, just shake hands, and listen. If you're not using the networking opportunities in your area to market your business, you're missing out. Inspired 2 Design, LLC