Web Design & Hosting

Seeing the Light

As Americans continue to be bombarded with bad economic news, it’s a wonder anyone wants to spend a dime. But don’t be fooled, people  are spending. So what should a small business do with their marketing budget during times when fear outweighs logic?

Here is some food for thought:

1. Noise reduction.
Today’s environment may actually cause your small campaign to sound big due to the reduced noise level from other businesses. Take advantage of your competitive advantage during these times.

2. Your plan.
If you have a marketing plan, stick with it. Trends are just that, and the tide comes back in after it’s been out. Your long range goals are still attainable, so don’t throw in the towel just yet. Be persistent, and consistent – your clients expect and deserve as much.

3. Value matters.
Nothing new here. You’ve heard marketing 101 – don’t compete on price alone. Provide clients and customers with a value beyond price, a tangible one at that, and you’ll produce results – time and time again. Today more than ever, consumers and business owners are looking for the most bang for their buck. Value delivers.

4. Resist the urge.
… to change. Do NOT cut corners to save time and resources. Now is not the time to deliver less for more, or the same for more. Tighten the belt, gulp, swallow and breathe in, cause reducing quality or quantity will hurt your brand and your business long term.

5. Be true.
To your brand. If you’ve developed your brand wisely, according to the core values of your company, according to what you can truly deliver and the very reason for your business’ existence, then your brand is all you have in the end. Think of it as your reputation, your integrity. Shouldn’t that be the last thing you sacrifice – if at all?

Just some snack ideas for business owners to chomp on. Here’s a thought, instead of reading the news, read a blog, start to Twitter, or create a Facebook or LinkedIn profile and make your day productive!


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