Web Design & Hosting

Sub Branding Finalized

Well, finalized is such a … final word, but this post should satisfy those anxiously awaiting closure on the sub-branding or personal branding post which we began weeks ago – before the onslaught… (anyone else feeling this incredible surge of business brought on by our sluggish, recession-istic economy??)…

As we discussed, your Sub-brand or Personal brand is a booster when you are competing locally with others in your same industry, and it’s a downright necessity when competing with others who represent your same company brand. Salespeople, independent agents and oftentimes franchisees are all in need of personal branding. If you have not developed a brand for you, then what will set you apart from the rest?

There is a definitive set of strategies involved in creating a personal brand, not unlike those required to develop a corporate brand image. You must define your competitive edge with your target market, then position yourself where you are irresistible to that audience. Those strategies include:

1. Specialize – you can offer similar products and services, but find the most desirable, and become the expert in that specialty. Exploit and command that area.

2. Service – develop your customer service policies to exceed any already in use in the marketplace. The buzz you create will be so much more valuable than most any form of marketing.

3. Sincerity – be who you say you are. Maintain integrity regardless.

4. Spotlight – be visible: socially and professionally. Let your potential market see your personality as consistent whether at work or at play.

5. Substance – regardless of the image you portray, you must offer customers substantial value and substance in your products and services. A picture may be worth a thousand words, but probably not a thousand bucks! Make sure there’s meat with the meal and offer something real.

Call on Inspired 2 Design for all your brand development needs - contact us today.