Don't Let Your Web Developer Go South

More and more frequently, frustrated business owners have called the I2D offices looking for help. What are they frustrated about? Nine times out of 10, it's their web development company. I know we've talked about the complaints we hear about projects that run way past deadline, or that never materialize, designers who resent their purchased work being given away to others - after its paid for, designs that don't look anything like what the client and supplier discussed... the list goes on.

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Information Superhighway

For anyone not utilizing the Internet for information gathering, shame on you! There is literally a world of information, data, facts, figures, and answers as close as a click. One of the most recent additions to our sources has been podcasts. Who would have known there’s so many folks using them as a means to market a book, a company, a website, a service, but also as a means of labeling themselves as an expert in some field.

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SEO – Search Engine Optimization 2.0c

Your interest in SEO is wise. It's always a good idea to do some research before spending money on something - especially when you're not really up to date on a subject. We look to the big names in SEO for information ourselves, and we direct our clients to take the time to get educated. Here's what Google has to say about SEO and hiring an SEO company.

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